Byron’s Mandy Nolan; a Stand Up Comedian, Humour Coach, Writer & Journalist, Feminist, Artist, Ex anarchist, Ex hippy, Ex wife and generally Ex-Cellent…
Mandy has launched a GoFundMe campaign to turn the best of ‘The Soapbox’ into a book…
“For the last 20 years I have written The Soapbox – my hugely popular opinion piece in the Echo. For years people have asked me to publish some of the best columns in a book – to date I haven’t had time, but this year because of Covid – I had the opportunity of going through around 1000 of my articles to pick to pick the best 100.
In order to self publish The Full Mandy I need your support because this is an expensive exercise. The pieces are funny, irreverent, political, topical, provocative and always entertaining. They tell a little of who we have all been and what we have cared about over the last two decades.
If you donate $30 and over I will send you an autographed copy of the book once I have published copies (by end of November).”
Visit Mandy’s GoFundMe page and help out and secure your copy of ‘The Full Mandy