Yoni. A full-power stance. Sunday 3 December

We are proud to announce the premiere of our new film “Yoni”.

Informative, entertaining, educational, edgy, and sexy, this film from filmmakers
Keira Scuro and Martin Guinness is a celebration of the yoni. With contributions
from yoni owners and operators who are involved in visual art, literature
(particularly poetry), performance, music, and the sciences. Featuring many
Byronshire locals, including Mandy Nolan, Kiki Maree, Katie Lloyd, Zenith
Virago, Laura-Doe Harris, and many more.

Like Eve Ensler’s extremely popular Vagina Monologues, this film gives women
a voice to speak from their experiences. This is a revolutionary feminist work
about power and liberation. “Yoni” is a film about women and their rise to a
positive and self-affirming sexuality, as we explore their endlessly creative and
amazing approaches to facilitate this.

Byron Theatre
5-7.30pm Sunday 3 December
Tickets available online

Please check out the film’s 3-minute NSFW trailer