Circus Arts Byron Bay Tiny Circus

Tiny Circus classes with Circus Arts Byron Bay are suitable for ages 1-5yrs and are available as casual or term classes from Mon-Thurs mornings.

Tiny Tots 1-4 yrs.
An exciting and interactive class to help your child connect mind and body at an early age. Activities include warm up and stretching, obstacle course, basic tumbling, mini-tramp, balance beam, tight-wire, low trapeze, silks, parachute and more. Watch their confidence grow as they achieve new things and make new friends.

Monday-Thursday 9.15am & 10am

Kindergarten Circus 4-5 yrs.
A fun and playful class for pre-schoolers to gain confidence on a variety of circus equipment and develop motor skills and coordination. A transitional class to solidify basic skills needed to join our Under 10s program. Focus on tumbling skills, mini trampoline, low trapeze, silks, balancing, objects, group dynamics and game playing.

Monday-Thursday 11am

Casual $18 | 5-Pack | $70 | Term $120